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The mental health journal has specific guidelines for formatting manuscripts that authors should follow before submitting their work. These rules are designed to streamline the submission process and ensure it is quick and easy.    Read More

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The Mental Health Journal is primarily based on values centered on loyalty, commitment, scientific accuracy, and ethics. It has adopted clear and rigorous ethical guidelines for best working practices.    Read More

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Each article published in the Mental Health Journal benefits from hundreds of hours of work by chief editors, sectional editors, reviewers, manuscript editors, proofreaders, graphics experts, and web experts, all dedicated to ensuring that the manuscript meets our standards. Read More


Journal Info

Journal Name Journal of Mental Health & Clinical Psychology
Journal Short Name J Ment Health Clin Psychol
Doi  10.29245/2578-2959
ISSN 2578-2959
Issue Per Year Three Issues Per Year
Article Processing Charge (APC) 950 USD
Publishing Model Fully Open Access 
Average Days in Review 23 Days
Average Days to Publication from Acceptance 7 Days
Total Annual HTML + PDF Usage 6.8M+ 
Research Articles cited within two years of publication 97 %
Contact us editor@mentalhealthjournal.org
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